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SOLD Sentinel standard + foreign broadcast- Model 97L1755 or 93L1755 - - -#4833 Good dials, has tubes.
Coronado 648 ser# 324976. W.M co. good dials, has tubes.
Model 961 Coronado radio. Ser#KRC-14923. - - Bad dial- - - Has all tubes and knobs. (similar 953a)
Zenith Trans-Oceanic wave magnet 6R40. Has tubes, good dial Ser#4118361
model 86AE-1805 Magic Eye radio
Ser# 86AE1100
Working dials and knobs. (cracks in glass)
has all tubes.
Wards airline radio
Series 8A32
71 Watt, 117V, 60cyc
Has tubes, good dials and knobs.
Model 93WG-800A radio. - SOLD
Made in USA
made in USA, has tubes and knobs
working dial.
SOLD Model RE-8000, Japan 901 - - - - Solid State receiver, #516-42-1992 Ross World electronics Shortwave transistor
SOLD Wards airline radio mod 62-372 Ser# A4-529066, has all tubes - -Dial knob is jammed
Sonora N-8002, working dials, has all tubes. 314 or 315
Buttons and Bows model 6509 radio By Guild, 117V, has working dials, has all tubes.
Model 576-16A Musicaire
No 101125
Has working dials
SOLD RCA victor 27936-1
Ser 001666
Designed for television attachment
has all tubes
good dials. model 16T4
SOLD Philco Model 610 Bullet
Multi-band Art Deco Ser H40358
Has all tubes.
working dial, good knobs.
Smokerette radio smokematic
Model SR-600
Code 9040A
part no 505764- - pat roberts inc.
good dials + knobs, has tubes.
Zenith 7S530
good dials and knobs