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Atwater Kent model 20
Serial 576543
no tubes, good dials
Has power house battery charger, + battery on back
Superheterodyne RCA radiola
Model AR-812
good dials and knobs
Northland Radio
United scienlab
Northland Radio Chassis
united Scienlab
Very unique and rare, I couldn't find any documentation on this chassis
RCA Radiola 16
Serial 134026
dial works
missing 1 dial
missing knobs
Atwater Kent chassis
has a bad knob
tattered plug/cord
Airline radio -
wavelength dial reading
missing 1 tube +top
Masterbase cap-1 - Great chance to own a very rare radio
big radio, not marked.
Brunswick model 5KR
Chassis 924070
working dial
50-60cyc, 50watts
serial 120130
The brunswick balkecollender co
OZark senior S1
Needs refinishing, lid has damage
missing tubes
bottom doubles as a cabinet