Ward w-5 or W-6 ---has 2 big knobs and 4 small, philco chassis in homeade case? Â Montgomery Ward Model W-5 (if it has UV-201A tubes) or a Model W-6 (if it has UV199 tubes.) (will update soon) Tri-City Electric Supply.
Atwater kent model 35,SR#888594
Kemper radio corp model k-52, has color schedule, no.6274
Westinghouse detector amplifier type DA
SR# 94125
receiving tuner type RA
SR 77058
excellent shape, good dial, has all tubes.
Crosley model 51-SD
Crosley model 51-SD
Serial 170120
regenerative receiver
good dial, has all tubes.
Unmarked radio
Unmarked radio
Says "genuine bakelite" inside
Erla radio
Erla radio
Says Type-Reflex-Wavelength1 on front
RCA radiolla III
SOLD RCA radiolla III 49981 good dial, regenerative receiver, missing 2 tubes
Crosley model 51 SR#92046E
Radiola IIIA
SOLD Radiola III headphone model
radiola IIIA speaker model 1992
Radiolla IIIA type RL
Has tubes, excellent shape
crystal radios
No 29801 Crystal Set, the Airphone
Steinite Laboratory Rare, Rare precision crystal set radio